Staff Profile
Jayne Burgess
Reception & Administration –

Prior to joining the team at PremierPhysio, I worked as a qualified librarian for over 30 years in many different roles at a number of UK university libraries. I took early retirement in October 2023 as I felt I'd achieved all I wanted to in my profession. I've always been passionate about helping others to achieve their best and working with students and staff allowed me to do this. So whilst I miss working with and supporting students, I've been fortunate to transfer this support to our clients at PremierPhysio and feel that a genuine smile, chat and understanding can help to make a difference to a person's day.
I attended PremierPhysio a number of years again for advice and treatment on my knee and was impressed by the professional, friendly and excellent service I received. I was absolutely delighted therefore to get a job with this brilliant team.
Outside of work I spend my time with family, friends and dogs! I also like reading and going to museums, galleries, theatres and live music gigs.